About Me

Born and raised on the sunny coastline of Australia, I have spent most of my life travelling. With my backpack in one hand and my camera in the other, I travel the world in an attempt to experience and capture the unique emotions, stories and cultures that make this world the incredibly complex and beautiful place that it is.
As a writer and photographer, I have contributed to travel articles for various mainstream and niche publications. My writing focuses on a range of genres, from cuisine to outdoor adventure and the emotions and feelings that these evoke. My aim is to share my stories from the road and to show how the experience of travel brings out the best in us as human beings.
So join me on my adventures and in my pursuit of capturing what this world has to offer.

Follow leftwithlouie.com for posts delivered directly to your inbox and follow me on Instagram and Flickr.


:: Louie ::

22-10-2014 11-12-22 AM


56 thoughts on “About Me

    1. Thanks for the follow! Your life looks so interesting all the way across the globe:) I’m slightly jealous of all the travel you have done and look forward to more posts! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Thank you so much for following our blog. We love food, and the pictures you share makes us hungry 🙂 Wishing you much success in your endeavors. – IKB


  2. Impressive amount of travel. I work in a NY bank so can only take 3-4 weeks per year (although one year I managed to take 7 weeks). Sydney is one of my favorite cities – probably the best I’ve been to outside of Europe.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was lucky enough to travel extensively as a kid and I guess that has carried over into my adult life. While taking 6-12 months off to travel every few years means I may be a little behind in career progression or in my savings, I wouldn’t change those experiences for the world. Hope you manage to get to some place nice this year on your time off.



    1. Well thanks very much. I always enjoy hearing positive feedback and I am happy you enjoyed the photos. I didn’t jump off unfortunately. There was a few local guys up there charging 60 euros to jump off so I decided pass. Next time maybe!


  3. Thanks very much for the follow, Louie. I really like your attitude to the world, and to travel, and to the relationship between the two. As the Antonio Machado quote on my home page says, “Traveller, there is no path. The path is made by walking.” May you make rewarding paths, just right for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I love hearing positive feedback and am glad you enjoy reading my posts. For me, life is all about travel and discovering new places and cultures. The idea of spending the rest of my days in one place isn’t too appealing.


  4. Greetings, Louie! Thank you for starting to follow my “Scottish Heart” blog; I hope that you will continue to enjoy it! Every time I travel overseas, I am headed to Scotland. If there’s a cure for my addiction to Alba, I don’t want it! I enjoy reading about your travels and am looking forward to reading more.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey Louie! Thanks so much for following me 🙂 I love your blog so far, def excited to see/ read more posts! I’ll travel the world vicariously through your blog hah Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

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